Body acceptance is something that most of us battle at some point in our lives. Three online fashion leaders share their tips for feeling beautiful every day.

Stevie Henderson
Blogger and CEO, Shop Stevie
What makes you feel the most beautiful?
There are many aspects that go into beauty. I would say I don’t view beauty like the average 24-year-old. For me, a beautiful woman is a kind and confident person that has an impact for good — confident in who she is, confident in what she’s wearing and confident as a woman. I feel most beautiful when I’m feeling good about myself, when I take the time, for myself, to get ready and when I strive to be a good person.
What advice would you offer to people struggling with self-image?
Don’t compare! I know that every girl has struggles with this. I struggle with being too skinny. I have tried to gain weight my whole life and have had people put me down for my body. We are all made in different sizes, and that’s a good thing! I find myself wishing I had more luscious womanly curves, but our bodies are a gift. We, as women, have a greater importance and purpose with our bodies than just outward appearance. I think, when we realize that, we love our bodies and are grateful for what we’ve been given. I say, toss the scales! Of course, I believe that it is important to take care of your body by eating healthy and exercising, but do what makes you feel good and confident! If stepping on a scale brings your self-esteem down, do your best eating healthy and exercising, and don’t let the number on the scale decide your happiness.
What aspect of your work is most rewarding?
There are many, but I would say helping women feel like they look good and feel better about themselves. It’s amazing to see someone’s face just light up when they put something on that they may not have thought to try and they feel beautiful in it. Seeing that feeling of empowerment from my products is so satisfying.
What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned about body empowerment?
I think, regardless of what size you are, it feels good to get ready, workout and eat healthy — not to achieve a certain size, but to be truly healthy. Body empowerment comes from within yourself. It’s not comparing yourself to someone else, it’s being comfortable with you and your personal definition of health and beauty. No one else can or should tell you what makes your body beautiful: that’s your decision. Making that decision for yourself and not letting anyone persuade you otherwise is the best lesson I’ve learned about body empowerment.

Lindsey Bouffard
Blogger and Makeup Guru, Painting You Pretty
What makes you feel most beautiful?
I feel the most beautiful when I am trying my best to help others, whether that be my kids, husband, or clients. The long days of motherhood can be rough on your self-confidence, but they are also especially rewarding when you get positive reinforcement from your kids with the words “I love you” or “mom, you are pretty.” I also feel beautiful when I make others feel beautiful while I do their makeup. When I do makeup, it’s easy for me to recognize that all women have beauty, including myself.
What advice would you offer to people struggling with self-image?
Try not to compare yourself to other women. This is so difficult, especially in the age of social media, where pictures of beautiful people are constantly flooding the screens. Instead of focusing on what you lack and what others have, try to focus on what you have. Remember that everyone has something great to offer the world. If we were all the same, life would be boring.
What aspect of your work is most rewarding?
The most rewarding part of my job is helping women increase their confidence. It’s amazing what a new shade of lipstick or the right foundation will do for someone’s self-esteem. I love that. We all want to look in the mirror and feel pretty. It makes me so happy to be a part of that experience for women of all ages.
What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned about body empowerment?
I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting to look your best. However, what’s inside is much more important than what’s on the outside. To me, the most beautiful people are not the ones with the best bodies or the best features. They have the kindest hearts. Their inner beauty radiates and makes them beautiful on the outside.

Courtney Brown
CEO, Cents of Style
What makes you feel most beautiful?
I genuinely believe that when you look good, you feel good, and then you are able to do good in your life. When I take the time to put on a great outfit, add some favorite earrings and pop a bright lipstick, I feel good in my skin. I feel beautiful. I feel like I can take on my day and live a beautiful life. Maybe it’s as simple as me smiling at the person who’s helping me bag my groceries, or holding the door open for someone, but goodness starts with each of us, and when I feel better about how I look, I think I’m a better person out in the world.
What advice would you offer to people struggling with self-image?
Don’t wait until the perfect moment, perfect size, or perfect hips to try a trend you love. Try it now. And I am not saying try it head to toe. The simplest way to try the trend is through your accessories. See what happens and how your confidence builds when you try something new and you get complimented. And please, please accept that compliment. Say thank you. That’s confidence — and the person giving you the compliment wouldn’t have offered if they didn’t want you to take it and internalize it. Really listen next time someone says, “You look great!” and let that positivity flow through you.
What aspect of your work is most rewarding?
The most rewarding part of my work is the other women I interact with and who empower me. Whether it is a mom who works in our warehouse, a customer who tried the trend with a Cents of Style accessory or an influencer who is sharing her story, they make me feel brave and build me up. Empowering women makes me feel empowered. And that’s the most rewarding thing for me.
What is the greatest lesson you’ve learned about body empowerment?
Own who you are. Own your style. Own your body. You are unique, beautiful and strong. The moment we can see that in ourselves and then in others, we begin to shine and the confidence builds. We cannot be a light for others when we are dimly lit inside. Feeling good in your skin, loving and embracing the capable and able body you have, no matter your physical limits, begins first in your mind. It’s a choice each day to look in a mirror and see your beauty — because it is there, you just have to want to see it — and then share that beauty with the world. It will be a better place because of that.
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