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Childhood Wellness

The Home Safety Hazard That’s Hiding in Plain Sight

Most parents are aware of common safety hazards for children — electrical sockets, sharp furniture corners, cleaning supplies, and more. However, one of the most visible safety hazards to children is often overlooked: window covering cords. 

The Consumer Product Safety Commission named window covering cords as one of the top five hidden hazards in the home, as dangling and exposed cords can pose a potential strangulation hazard to infants and young children.

Luckily, this potential hazard is an easy one to avoid. Safety experts recommend that parents and caregivers only use cordless window covering products or those that have inaccessible cords in homes with young children. 

When replacing window coverings, look for products with the Best for Kids™ certification label. This label enables families to easily identify products available at all major retailers that are best suited for homes with young children. Going cordless is also now easier than ever because of a new U.S. Safety Standard that requires all window covering stock products (sold online and in stores) to be cordless or have inaccessible cords.

If going cordless is not an option, parents should ensure all cords are out of sight and reach by shortening and tying them so they are inaccessible for children. Additionally, families should move all cribs, beds, furniture, and toys away from windows and window cords.For more information on window covering cord safety in the home, visit

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