Matt Wood, founder and CEO of SCD Probiotics, discusses the benefits of composting in making a green home.

Matt Wood
Founder and CEO, SCD Probiotics
What are the main challenges for homeowners when it comes to transforming their home into a more sustainable environment?
Depending on where you are in the process, it can seem overwhelming. Our best advice is to take things one at a time. Start by targeting areas that directly impact your family’s health, like replacing cleaning and lawn chemicals with biodegradable products that rebuild health for you and the environment.
Can you explain the benefits of composting within the home to someone who has never experienced it?
With Bokashi composting, you use probiotics to easily get started in your indoor kitchen compost bin. The probiotics ferment (like beer or wine) your organic waste in your kitchen. Which means you can recycle typical no-no’s like meat and dairy, preserve more good-for-the-Earth nutrients, and greatly reduce smells.
Why are microbes essential in the environment?
In nature, the ecosystems that are diverse and dominated by beneficial microbes are the healthiest. That’s because over time, these microbes have co-evolved with us, animals, plants, and the environment to provide us all benefits. In return, they get things like food and a place to live — a symbiosis.
How do probiotics play a role in our health as humans?
They’re essential. Good microbes (probiotics) help digest food and reduce inflammation. They help regulate our immune system and form protective barriers on our skin. And they create healthy substances, called postbiotics, which are building blocks of healthy cells in people, plants, and animals — things like vitamins, antioxidants, and organic acids.
How can we get our family involved in composting and becoming more sustainable?
Involve everyone in the process and brainstorm ideas together. Kids love to feel like they’re contributing, so work with them to figure out how they can help compost organic scraps. Open up a dialogue about who and what these changes impact, from their own health to the planet’s.